The Ingram Micro API Simulation will provide you with a baseline of how each API call will work. It is a technique used to emulate the behavior of a particular endpoint(s) or the API. 

Things to Note:

  • 20-222222 is the US Ingram Micro test account number related to all simulations.  
  • Similarly, where we have order numbers and/or customer PO numbers, this is static data that cannot be changed.
  • When using static simulation APIs, it’s essential to maintain consistency by preventing any modifications to the predefined fields or headers.
  • By maintaining this consistency, you can effectively test your code against expected outcomes and handle various scenarios, including error conditions.
  • The embedded simulations below can be viewed by using a 3rd party product such as Postman. 
    • Postman is a free web product that can be used to view API requests and responses and can be downloaded via this: URL By using these Postman requests, you can simulate the entire process from end to end.
    • The simulator URLs can be found in the Postman collection (attached/below)
      Download Link

Here’s how you can proceed:

  1. Download and open Postman on your computer.
  2. Select the link/attachment above to upload into Postman.
  3. Once imported, you’ll see the requests listed in the Collections or History tab.
  4. Select the request you want to simulate and hit the Send button.
  5. Postman will execute the request and display the response in the lower section. (No modifications)

It’s an effective way to validate the logic and output of your API without affecting any live data!

Simulations are available for select API transactions (referenced in this document). The various scenarios have been created within each description of the individual simulations to cover core business activities.

Below are descriptions of our API calls:

Product Search: 

Search the Ingram Micro product catalog by providing any of the information in the keyword (Ingram part number / vendor part number/ product description / UPC

This simulation provides a sample of products we carry from a specific manufacturer/vendor. Our simulation demos Dell Computer.

Additional Information can be found here:


Product Details: 

Search all the product-related details using a unique Ingram Part Number.


This simulation provides SKU details of Ingram Micro products and will provide you with the full descriptions and content data. We have included 10 simulator URLs to show you different product types such as printers, laptops and ethernet network switch, authorized and unauthorized SKU’s

Additional information can be found here:


Price and Availability: 

The Price and Availability (PNA) API, will retrieve Pricing, Availability, discounts, inventory location, reserve Inventory for the products up to 50 products per request. We do apply rate limits to your API call in production. You can find more information here Rate Limits | Ingram Micro

This simulation provides details on how to set up a search using the Ingram Micro Part Number or the Vendor (Manufacturer) part number.   The Ingram SKU in the simulator is a government/education contract SKU applicable to Federal, State, Local, K-12, and higher education purchases.  The vendor SKU is a general vendor SKU.


Additional Price and Availability Search options are available on our API Portal:


Quote Search

The Quote Search API, by default, will retrieve quotes modified or created within the last 30 days. Quote Search by date range enables the retrieval of quotes older than 30 days and up to 365 days. Quotes older than 365 days are excluded. The Quote Search API enables the retrieval and filtering of relevant quote list key criteria data such as Quote Number, Quote Name, Deal ID (Special Bid Numbers), End User Name, and Vendor Name. Utilizing search any portion of a string can be used to search and retrieve related quotes from Ingram Micro’s quote services. The following quotes are available: Ingram Micro Sales Team Created Quotes – Active Status, Vendor Integration Quotes for Cisco and Dell, both Active and Draft Status, Self Service - X4C reseller created Quotes – Active and Draft Status, Subscription Quotes – Draft and Active Status, Renewal Quotes Active Status, Cloud Quotes- Active Status. Hybrid Quotes – Active Status, Closed/Ordered Quotes All Quote Types.  The Quote Search response will return the following information: Created Date, Quote ID, Quote Name, Created by, End Customer, Deal (deal id), Vendor (vendor name), Total Price, Last Updated, Expiration Date, Status.  Once identified – requesting quote details will return all details related to the quote information.

This simulation provides details on how to search your quotes with a special bid number in a ‘Ready To Order’ Status:  


Additional information for our Quote Search API is available on our API Portal:


Quote Details: 

The quote details API provides all quote details associated with the quote number provided.  Our collection does contain 3 samples for reference.  Please note, the “quoteNumber”, “isoCountryCode” and “customerNumber” parameters are required.

Additional information for our Quote Details API is on our API Portal:


Order Create: 

The simulator includes 3 orderCreate examples, Apple Warranty Link, Lenovo, and Logitech.  The Apple example will specifically show you how to link the hardware in your order to the software.

Additional information for our order create API is on our API Portal:


Order Search:

The Orders Search API endpoint allows a customer to search their Ingram Micro orders by using any of the available query string parameters, customer can search their order by using single query string parameters or combining them together. This endpoint supports the pagination of results.  Search your orders using the Ingram Micro order number.

Additional information for our orderCreate API is on our API Portal:



Order Details: 

The Orders details API endpoint allows a customer to retrieve their Ingram Micro orders details by using the Ingram Micro sales order number as a path parameter. The sales order number, IM-CustomerNumber, IM-CountryCode, and IM-CorrelationID are also required parameters.

Additional information for our orderCreate API is on our API Portal:


Invoice Search:

Search your Ingram Micro invoices. This endpoint searches by multiple invoice parameters and supports pagination of results.

Additional information for our orderCreate API is on our API Portal:


Invoice Details: 

Use your Ingram Micro invoice number to search for existing invoices or retrieve existing invoice details.

The invoice number, IM-CustomerNumber, IM-CountryCode, IM-ApplicationId and IM-CorrelationID are required parameters

Additional information for our orderCreate API is on our API Portal: