A customer/reseller can select this event to get the updated quantity of the IPN. This event will trigger the updated quantity with a particular interval. The customer should be authorized to get any SKU/IPN information. The threshold value of SKU's per event will be 4000, if more SKU's are present the event will be divided into multiple events with the threshold value.


Notification Event Event code Sub-event code Description
Availability of Stock im::updated im::stock_update (v1) updated stock of the IPN


Sample JSON payload

  "eventTimeStamp":"2020-10-27T15:50:05.339+08:30",   ---> UTC
  "eventId":"AH7ESSIWSIO22Y77DD",   ---> unique_event_id
  "resource":[    //array 
      "vendorName":"BATTERY TECHNOLOGY INC.",
      "vendorName":"BATTERY TECHNOLOGY INC.",